Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Class, work, the usual. Worked on project stuff in our groups, fried brain trying to wrap it around some concepts that just weren't working on the project report. Was picked up by J from work for the movie. Had to stop by my place first (where I told him to pretend he didn't see a drying rack filled with articles of clothing in the middle of my living room) to take the potato soup out of the crockpot. Then went to the nearby Chinese buffet, Borders (yay!music!) and left to get into line for the movie at about 9:40ish. Arrived at the theater, where he asked about the queueing instructions for the evening. After getting a 'bzuh?' from the monkey in charge, we were told we could go right on in. Go us! Got good seats and everything, spreading out the pink behemoth and his jacket to save enough for everyone we were meeting. Move of brilliancy by person two rows in front of us involved using tape to mark off seats as saved. May be borrowing that particular idea in the future.

However, sitting in the theater for 2 or so hours gave me plenty of time to think, which I know is dangerous, and in this case I measured the width of the back of the cardi I'm making. And realized that not only was I making a large (and I soooo don't need 43 in around the bust, even with added ease) but that it was wider across than an XL because I loosened up my knitting. O_o So, guess who ended up frogging 8 in of knitting. Go me.

Saw movie. Liked movie a rather awful lot. Will probably have to see in theater again. Really don't have much to say that others haven't already said and I'll save potential spoilers for another post where I can put a spoiler warning.