Saturday, May 14, 2005

allergies and creative knitting, oh my!

Yarg on allergies that crop up at odd times. I was wandering around in a forest this morning and it's *now* that I get so congested I can't think. Yarg I say.

Cardigan has reached shoulder shaping on the back. However, I'm venturing from the pattern here which is going to take more brainpower than currently available. I'm planning to alter the 'decrease x st at each end' to short rows so I can do a three needle bind off. Definitely will save that for tomorrow. Have figured out number of stitches to cast on if I do sleeves separate, though I kinda wanna try picking up stitches and knitting them in, learning how to alter patterns in that way as well. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Best case scenario though, I get to wear my new cardi next week sometime. :D

Now, off to either fold clothes on bed or relocate them to the floor. Am thinking the latter is going to win out. ;))