Friday, May 13, 2005

epic, project, class, knitting, this means war, hiking, oh my!

Class and project is kicking my ass. My one consolation is that a week from today it will all be over (except for the final project due a week from Monday, but we'll ignore that for now). Have not managed to do readings for class for last two days, so there will be catch up readings to do tomorrow. Yarg.

The epic has unfortunately stalled, though not for lack of ideas. Well, okay, so not as many ideas pounding on me at once as before, but mainly class/work/RP responsibilities have hindered me from my previous 2,000+ words a day of before. *sigh* Hopefully after the class is over.

Made gauge on 'cropped cardigan' pattern after all. That teaches me for checking it in bad light. Of course, there is the question of if I'll have enough yarn, but I'm planning on short sleeves instead of long (an possibly doing those top down by picking up around the sleeve opening and doing them circular, though not sure if I'm that saavy). Also discovered that credit is $50! More than enough for bolero jacket yarn. Just need to decide on rest of the $$. Was looking at yarn for boobholder, only am having hard justifying 5 skeins at $5/skein on good stuff with I've seen perfectly lovely boobholders made with Lion Brand and Caron yarn. But it's such a pretty shade of purple!!! *saves order for tomorrow*

There is a chipmunk living under my air conditioner. I really wouldn't mind, only I saw the little bugger sniffing at my plants and hell no. Yes, war was declared. Found a little sand bagger type thing in the yard next to my patio and kicked it over to cover his hole. He moved it out and I moved it back. He moved it again and I moved it back again and it's still there. We'll see in the morning as to who's winning. *rolls up sleeves*

Colored my hair this week. Am undecided on if I like the color, as I didn't use my usual color (Clairol Natural Instincts 13A Gingerbread Light Bronze Brown). Said usual color is very nearly my natural color (13B Spiced Cider Light Warm Brown), however I wanted to keep the red highlights and go lighter, so I went for a lighter reddish color. Well, my hair has more red, but it isn't much lighter (not that I was surprised since it is a washout dye and doesn't use peroxide). But I do kinda like it, I just need to be careful about the shades of red I wear with it. :))

Went hiking today with other grad students in the department. As I informed my partner on the class project when she asked yesterday where we were going 'Mc-something Creek State Park'. Complete with a cave that we went crawling through (and yes I banged my head once) and a waterfall that we ate our lunch by (complete with a water snake sighting that had several of us jumping up). Was a little pressed for time, however, as I got home at 12:10 and the bus left at 12:30. And I was covered in sunscreen, bug spray and dirt. Quickest shower in history of me and I ran to the bus with my hair still wet. Not that it mattered as while it was gorgeous out (though a tad humid) when I got on the bus, we were in the middle of a torrential downpour when I got off. The one day this week (as my class partner pointed out) that I didn't have my umbrella. Or a jacket. And was in a little sundress. *facepalm*

Also, I have a papercut on my cuticle. And the evil muse say she isn't going to be my roommate when we end up in the loony bin. *pouts*