Monday, May 16, 2005

Class was class. Went long on the lecture this time, add to that confusing instructions on the assignment and group members that were all not quite on the same page and no, it wasn't a good time. Talked with a certain person on the bus in, who noted that I 'wasn't home' yesterday when he was picking up and dropping off a friend of ours who lives in the same complex for church. Not sure if I should be worried he was looking for my car or impressed he was looking for my car (granted, where I park it is easily seen from the general entrance, especially with kids gone for the summer).

Completely had ADD-like fun in class. Could not for the life of me concentrate on anything longer than five minutes. At one point, when I set down my pencil and said outloud that I'd left my supper at home (which I had just realized) one of my group members actually said something to that affect. Kept going fifteen different directions while we were trying to discuss the surveys we were looking at, which I hate because I know that it impedes the groups and I hate it when other people do it but I just could not for the life of me stay on topic.

Work was boring, no one in here, no one been in here since full time person left. Worked on group project stuff a bit and should be working on my final paper but I'm really just all blah and can't bring myself to do so. I even got my knitting out and have just sat and looked at it.

I think the depression that literally everyone else I know is going through has finally caught up to me. Hopefully taking a night off away from things will keep me from doing something stupid like buying that bistro patio set that's only $50 and is cute and I really do need something to sit on on my patio. Or that Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed that I keep eyeing for the Isis Wrap in IK Summer. Or the Ella and Louis duets CDs I keep wanting. Not to mention that plant stands I like, but really don't need. I need to stop that bad habit of comfort shopping when I'm depressed or have the blahs.