Thursday, May 26, 2005

I've hit it

That mid-project itch where your eyes start straying to other things that would be more 'fun' to work on. I've started the right front of the bolero and am hoping to get to the point to start the raglan shaping before I turn in for the night. But pictures! And Y!M convo I must preserve for posterity:

Knitty Librarian: *gets conference invite but isn't at computer*
Evil Muse: you coming?
Knitty Librarian: sorry, was taking a picture of my sweater pieces. *is big dork*
Evil Muse: Evil Muse ROTFLAO
Evil Muse: *agrees*
Knitty Librarian: my response my response my response

Bolero as of Thursday evening

Bolero as of this evening. I've finished the back and started on the right front. The back is on a stitch holder to keep the stitches live, partially because I figure I can decide later if I want to go from live or pick up new for the finishing. And partially because when I was marking decreases down as I did them (except not, just trying to remember how many I did when on the bus and mark them down later - which obviously didn't work) I came up short when I got to the required 37 stitches. So I may have done the shoulder shaping wrong, but I want to wait and compare it to the pattern and the fronts before I decide to frog.

But, even with progress ahead shaping up quite well, I want to work on something else. And the fact that I have several projects on the needle isn't helping. Especially since what I really want to do is swatch up that clover lace without making mistakes and take it into the LYS on Saturday. I'm planning to make my usual Saturday morning Farmers Market run (am in such Focchia withdrawal it isn't funny) and the LYS is right there on the square. And I'm thinking that if it is too loopy with the yarn I currently have and want to use, maybe I could double strand it, so I'd need another ounce to see if that would work... (and if it doesn't all the more to make a cute summery scarf with !!!)