Monday, November 17, 2008

I take back everything I said about the cats not caring for catnip. I came across a bag last night and gave them a new try at it. OMG, I thought Grady was going to try to burrow himself into the carpet. And even though I put it out in two different spots, he wouldn't let Callie near it. At all (there was growling involved). I had to put him in time out (their cat carrier) so the poor girl could have a shot. Very funny considering that not too long ago they couldn't care less if it was right under their noses.

The car will go in to the shop tomorrow. I had several talks with my parents this weekend. Dad is worried that there might be damage to the engine since it was out of oil when it went in last time. Mom was looking for used cars for me online. Which is sincerely depressing, as even if I find a car in my price range, with insurance it may be total payments of $300 a month. Technically, I have that money - I'm just using it to pay more on other bills than the minimum payments required. Basically, I won't get everything paid off as quickly as I'd like. Here's to hoping that whatever is wrong is fixable. :S

On to less depressing news: knitting! Worked some of the striped afghan for myself. I did all of two rows. Yeah, I know. My excuse is that the kittehs were super clingy and snuggly this weekend. It's hard enough to knit with just Grady (the Velcro kitteh) on my lap, but add Callie to the mix and it's near impossible. (The only knitting I got done was when just Callie was up there, but then she was having fun playing with my yarn and since this is the kitteh who ATE through a strand of acrylic (yeah, I don't know), I figured it'd be safest to set things aside.) I was super surprised about the super clingyness. Callie is not a snuggly kitteh, she's not a lap kitteh either. She's a 'I'll be close to you but not touching, unless I'm using your dominany wrist as a pillow and then you'd better not even think of moving' kitteh. Last weekend she experimented with laying on my legs( (up on the ottoman) while Grady snuggled on my lap. Saturday she ventured into 'let me climb up to the back of your chair' territory. Color me surprised when, Saturday afternoon, she decided to puppy pile on top of Grady on my lap. And stuck around when he jumped down. Wow.

I really need to stop cruising Ravelry over my lunch (there's a reason my favorites is as huge as it is). Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed that the Poinsettia Scarf is almost ready to go on sale. I love what I've seen of it so far, but it is a free gift for everyone who purchased all the Garden Variety patterns so far. I adore Iris, and think it might be good with my Knit Picks Grape Hyacinth Shimmer (a bit different than the sample Iris, but something stashed that I can't figure out what to do with and it's purple, white and green all the colors of Irises, plus Iris is rectangular and the reason I'm having a hard time finding something to make out of the shimmer is because I don't like the way it pools in circular or triangle shawls), Zinnia is gorgeous, as is Hydrangea (though I actually prefer the stole to the shawl). The only one I don't really are for is Crocus Pocus, but that may because I'm not fond of the colors the sample is knit in, but since I adore Poinsettia I could tell myself that I was buying it and getting Crocus Pocus free. Not that I need to be buying any patterns (see above re: car and money).

Still, I adore Susan's designs. Arabian Nights is my big goal project: I'll make it some day when my skill level has reached that point (hence the working on easier lace and beaded knitting now). I've thought about getting/making Magic Carpet Ride (the smaller scarf version) as a prep project. I'd love to try either Leaves of Grass or Sherwood. And Pumpkin Patch has been calling my name since Halloween (that said, I don't think I'll ever afford the Camelspin for the fingering version - I do not love orange but I love the russets in that scarf). It's fun to look at her designs and make wishes. But I really need to finish a few things before I even think of buying.

(I also really love the looks of The Blues Jazzed Up, but as she hasn't released that one yet I don't feel so guilty drooling over it.)

Tonight my goal is to do at least two more rows of the afghan or a few rows on Versatility.