Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Monday

Walked to work today, if nothing else being carless will be good exercise. However, it also means that Versatility (which I brought with me) is probably going to become a work only project - my knitting bag and regular bag and lunch were just more than I wanted to carry. This means I'm less likely to make my Nov 22 anticipated deadline, but I'll still try.

I started on a new afghan this weekend. It is feather and fan, but not in the round. It's based on an afghan I made years ago for my grandmother - this would be the yarn I just exchanged. I swatched, figured out how many repeats to make and got started. Even on size 17 needles it'll be slow going - these rows are 270+ stitches. But that's okay, because it is mindless knitting without being boring - having a pattern stitch row every 4th row helps with that. 

Oh! My first gift Traveling Scarf Swap swapee went out. Not necessarily today, or Saturday or Friday. Definitely not yesterday (Sunday). But I'll never tell. :> It's a little starter gift, I have more plans for greater spoiling later on. Mwahahahaha.

Ultimately, in true Monday fashion, I'm rather boring today. But since my week is crazy, here's to hoping tomorrow isn't more exciting. ;)