Monday, November 03, 2008

Been a while...

Been a long while. There was a new job and move in there somewhere. And an addiction to Ravelry. And yarn. And...

Ah well, current knitting queue (Rav links):
Versatility - love this. Can't wait to finish it. Have pretty much reached the halfway point. My goal is to finish this by the 22nd.

Traveling Scarves - I'm in the Ravelry Traveling Scarf group and currently have two at home. The first is finished, the second I'm waiting for the book to catch up to it. My scarf is out there somewhere - but I was told by the last person to knit on it that it was beautiful. Whee!

Noni bags - I love Noni bags. I love knitting them up and felting them. I do not love lining them, adding decorations and handles. As such, I have two almost finished Noni bags somewhere in my house. (I was recently trying to remember where they are - I'm not certain.)

Special Olympics Scarves - 1 finished, I plan to do another. This is actually crochet. *gasp* I know. Me, crocheting. Who'd a thunk. The first scarf just needs to have ends tucked and fringe added. The second will wait until after some other knitting is finished.

Chemo Cap - *facepalm* It just needs a button. Yeah. I know. This is a goal to get finished this week.

Coming up:
Christmas present - felted bag. Yeah, I don't know what I get myself into either.

Ice Queen - My first beaded lace project. Since I know Feather and fan to the point I can do it in my sleep, I figured this would be a good way to try something new.

Twist + Shout - LOVE this. Scored some excellent sale yarn at for this. Can't wait to start. Think it is going to be a bit tricksy, so it may wait until the new year.

Hemlock Ring Blanket - the Lace KAL for November. Got some great Encore at the LYS yesterday - and double stamps on my pink card!

Cosima - Local yarn shop tour netted some beautiful Silky Flamme and this pattern book. I can't wait to get started. I just have a few other things to do first.

Flower Basket Shawl - This may be knit out of either some Noro Kureyon Sock or my Knit Picks Shimmer. I may have something else to use the Shimmer on, but I do love the pattern.

February Lady Sweater - Nearly bought the yarn for this over the weekend. Only problem, the day the online shop had it on sale all the colors I wanted were sold out. Next day? Everything fully in stock. While I understand that it is hard to keep a real time update of everything in an online stock, especially if you get new stock in, it still feels like a let down. I think that now I'll wait until one of the LYS's from the yarn tour gets it in (they're looking into it).