Thursday, November 06, 2008

Versatilely Versatile, afghans and oooh pretty

Finished 4th cable panel repeat. This thing is 35+ inches long and, unfortunately, I'm getting tired of it. Not tired of it in the sense of 'I don't like this any more', more of a 'I really want this to be done now so I can work on other stuff' sense.

I've reached the point I can knit a row without screwing up. As long as I'm not watching one of my shows like I was last night (I LOVE Criminal Minds and CSI: NY). Instead, last night, I perfected the lost art of 'picking up a YO wrap from the row above upon realizing I missed one yet again'. I'm getting good at that.

I'm rethinking Hemlock Ring. I found someone's Feather and Fan afghan on Ravelry, based on the Feather and Fan shawl in Gathering of Lace (I love that book. I have a personal rule that I can't buy a book unless I've checked it out from the library more than twice - I've checked this out enough I should have a gazillion copies.) I love Feather and Fan stitch, adore that shawl and (while I do have some Knit Picks Gossamer in Sweet Pea to make the shawl) realized that I prefer the center point of this to the center of Hemlock Ring. On the flip side? I'll likely have to go get more yarn from the LYS.

Which is a nice seque for my plans for this afternoon - stopped at Hobby Lobby yesterday for some stitch markers and blocking pins and decided to check out the yarn they have. I have 3 balls each of four colors to make a Feather and Fan afghan like I made 10 years ago for my grandmother (purchased this summer). But I no longer have the pattern (well, I can no longer find it - it's somewhere), so I'm going from memory and not certain I have enough yarn. Of the four colors, they still had the same dyelot of two. So I'm taking the other two back to exchange for the dyelot they currently have and then I'll get extra of all four colors. I want to find out their exchange policy - I'm thinking of getting three extra of each. I have a queen-sized bed and I'd like for this to be able to cover it when I get cold. I have no clue how much yarn I'll need or how much I used and I can't find this pattern on Ravelry. Hopefully I can just get as much as possible and return what I don't use for store credit (I'm positive I didn't have more than 6 skeins each when I made the other - but I'm planning to make this larger). And if I run out, well, I'll decide then what to do.

Hobby Lobby is also having a sale on jewelry making stuff. Normally I'd ignore that. I've made stitch markers, but I'm not always all about handmade jewelry. BUT, earlier this week a colleague and I went to the gift shop off campus for me to get a postcard for my TSG swapee. And she found these wonderful earrings. I held off. They were $7, not bad, but I was there to get something for my swapee, not me. Then I get to Hobby Lobby last night, decide to use the 40% off coupon I found for a bead spinner (they've been talking about it in the Moroccan Days/Arabian Nights group and how much it helps when you're threading 3000+ beads and since I do want to eventually make that, it seemed like a good idea). So I headed that direction. And found the pendants used to make those awesome earrings. In PINK. I also grabbed some lobster claw earring findings that I decided last night I don't like. So I'll look for different (I'm thinking posts - and possibly see if they restocked the pendants, I adored the teal which would have looked awesome with the dress I'm wearing today) when I exchange the yarn.

But really, the moral of the story? No more yarn for, oh, ever. Or at least until I finish a few things. And don't knit complicated stuff while trying to bite your fingernails in suspense over your TV shows.