Friday, June 17, 2005


Eeeeee!!! I have an awesome SP5 buddy, it has been decided (not that there was any doubt before, it's just been confirmed :D). I came home Tuesday (after a long day at work) to a great card from my pal. And a set of beautiful notecards with Georgia O'Keefe's Oriental Poppies on the covers. Just lovely. It completely made my day.

Wednesday was made with a trip to the bookstore and coming home to a package from the evil muse - who had sent that hank of yarn I sent her off to get me for my cardigan. Now I should have enough to finish that particular project, if I get back into my knitting grove. Which will probably not be tonight as the evil muse and I were up until 2:00 my time (3:00 her time) chatting away and the alarm clock went off at an all too early 6:00. Between a mug holding 8-10 cups of coffee (yum), two cans of Diet Vanilla Coke and judicious amounts of chocolate I've managed to make it this far. And it fifteen minutes a friend'll be picking me up from work to go for dinner and to see Batman Begins. Eeee!! Even dead tired there is excitement here. Just a little more subdued. :D