Thursday, June 30, 2005

It's been one of those weeks. Well, last week was one of those weeks where you're so busy it's just 'go go go' and by the time it's all over you can't remember half of what you did. This week is just meh. It's been hot and humid, which makes it hard to motivate myself to knit, and still rather busy. Today was a not great day a work, and then I came home to try to make some supper. Only the chicken didn't quite smell right, the zuchini has some little slimey spots on it and the rice burned in the microwave.

I called Pizza Hut.

However, by some cosmic force, my SP5 person knew that it was a meh kind of week. On the up side of today I came home to find a package! Complete with the Twisted Sisters Sock book and two skeins of Lorna's Lace Sock Yarn in the purple-y/amethyst color. This are looking brighter all ready. I think I might have to get the socks I've got on the needle finished so I can get a start on those!

And maybe this weekend I'll actually have some knitting time again. *crosses fingers*