Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Has it really been that long since I last posted? The sad thing is I looked over my last post and I really haven't gotten much further. I did make it to the point on my bolero jacket front that I'm about to start decreasing for the shoulder, but that's about it.

Instead I've been reading and trying out my new drop spindle. The drop spindle came with some lovely roving, however it was too pretty for my sad attempts at spinning, so I bought some undyed roving at my LYS this past weekend and spun for a bit on Saturday. It's coming out sort of think, a bit thicker than worsted but not quite bulky, and sorta fuzzy, but I'm really liking it a lot. I'm already dreaming up things like Kool-Aid dye and maybe something felted to do with this. Not sure what, I'll have to see how far I get with it.

The reading has been my chance to finally tackle my summer reading list, though I added to it on Sunday. But I've already finished one of the added books and have gotten a start on the second, so I'm not feeling too bad about adding to the list. Though I may be singing a different song tomorrow when I get the sequel to the book I finished yesterday.

This evening, though, it going to be all about the knitting. I have a heel to turn on the travel sock and a front to my bolero jacket to finish. Hopefully I'll get one of those worked on. :D