Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Knitting has, unfortunately, been at a minimum lately. My boss had budget money left over for the fiscal year, so she offered me the chance to work full time until my next round of classes begin (the 20th). So not only has my free time decreased, but I'm usually so tired when I get home that I just crash (but happily my insomnia is going away!). Add to that the fact that the cotton I've been working with is killing my wrists, there definitely hasn't been much knitting. But now that I've given my hands a break and I've caught up on sleep, hopefully I'll get the chance to pick it up again.

I did get some knitting finished since the last post, though. I've gotten to the heel on the travel sock, so I'll start turning it today at lunch. I'll work on the other front of the bolero jacket on the bus today, as well. Gotta get my knitting in!