Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm knitting, I swear!

But I feel that I'm getting more accomplished in the reading department, which is a first in a long time for me. Grad school sucked up all my free time and the wonderful part of being out is that when I get home from work there's no homework. None. I can sit and knit or sit and read or...

I really need to start looking into audio books, that's what I need to do.

For the recent reads:
At Wick's End - Guy's aunt dies. Guy inherits candle shop. Guy finds out he inherits mystery as well as property. Guy solves mystery. It's your basic simple cozy mystery and there have been times (expecially lately) where a basic simple cozy mystery is what I'm looking for. There is a lot of information about the candle-making business and hobby, a multitude of references to the Dame Agatha, a couple of recipes in the back and a few hours of entertainment to be found. I enjoyed it and will be getting the next in the series through ILL, but I don't think it'll be going on the To Buy list (unless I'm near a Half-Priced Books anytime soon).

Murder with Peacocks - This was an Agatha award winner for best first book, and it was definitely worth it. I'm not sure how Meg did it, if it had been me I would have long since told the various family members to plan their own darned wedding. And she had a murder (or was it murders) to deal with in the process. And peacocks to find. This was definitely one of those 'can't put it down' kind of reads - that had me giggling the entire way. I couldn't wait for my lunch break so I could find out what happens next. I've already requested the sequel from ILL and this is definitely going to be a book I'll look for at my next book store run.

On the knitting front, Librarian Twin (who started a week before me, has same color hair, eyes and also wears glasses (and is also practically the same clothing size) and has the same love for fun shoes I have) has officially joined the realm of knitters. There was a three hour long knit in last night at her place as she started on her practice skein and took to knitting like a duck to water. She was quick to figure out how to recognize when she's done something wrong and is even beginning to figure out how to fix mistakes. A wonderful student overall and I can't wait for our next knit in - especially since we'll be on disc 2 of the Muppet Show for that. ;)

My own knitting included working on Mom's Christmas gift (which I've been threatening (at least to TG) to keep for myself). There was a last minute rip and recast on yesterday morning (third time, btw) and then several hours worth of knitting at LT's. I've a pretty sizeable amount done, though not nearly the amount when I first had to rip (oh the joy of running out of yarn). Now all I have to do is to remember to switch skeins every two rows (something I'm having difficulty with) and just continue on. The good news is that there should be plenty o' time for knitting next week - after the Turkey Day festivities TG and I are planning a trip to the Bigger City Even Further Up North and he doesn't at all mind driving while I knit. There may or may not be friends joining us, but we'll probably have separate cars and I'll not be driving regardless. (I may have had no problem driving around Tucson or Phoenix, but the last time I was in the Big City Even Further Up North I had the priviledge of sitting in the middle of the backseat (eschewing the seat buckle which I RARELY do) and had a front row view of some idiot driving way too fast trying to squeeze through where he shouldn't. It involved him flipping his car. And his flipped car nearly landing on our car. I'm NOT driving in that city.)

After leaving LT's house I spent a bit more time (when I wasn't reading At Wick's End) working on the baby bolero, getting four more rows of the back shoulder shaping done. I plan to at least finish the back shoulder shaping (if not getting to the back neck bind off, though I don't want to jinx myself) tonight. But, to add fun to that, I just recieved a copy of One Skein through ILL today. I've seen it before (and it sits rather high on my wishlist) but I have a single skein of sari silk in a delightful purple/mauve colorway that I know will never be duplicated (and there was only the one skein at the LYS where I used to live). While I could happily just sit and fondle the yarn, I really want to start to look for ideas of something to do with it. But I'm not certain I want a hat or any of the usual projects (though I do kinda like the idea of a short ascot-like scarf that I could fasten with a lovely dragonfly brooch I have). I need IDEAS. Plus I also have one skein of Noro Silk Garden in the right color but wrong dye lot, so unless it becomes a fringe on the Lady Eleanor I'm likely to knit (I figure that fringe is the one place you can play fast and loose with the dye lot), I'll need an idea for it as well. Especially if that Silk Garden becomes a Klaralund or other project (I really don't think I need any more scarves, no matter how much I love the Lady E).